Online Quote Tools
What type of insurance do you need?
Health Insurance
Get a NON-Medicare quote from the insurers below. Simply click on their logos for a quote.
Please call Megan (763-253-0590) for more information. An online quote request cannot be accepted by our agency for Medicare.
Health Insurance (Non-Medicare) Quote
Get a quote from the insurers below by clicking on their logo. If you like your quote, you may be able to apply on-line immediately (subject to enrollment rules). These quotes do not provide financial assistance that may be available through MNSure based on your income. You can visit www.mnsure.org for comprehensive information about all your options. Or contact us for assistance at 763-253-0590.
Auto, Home, and More Quote Request
Fill out our quote request form for auto, home, life, disability or commercial insurance. Do not fill out this form for Medicare or Non-Medicare insurance. Simply call our office for that information.
9800 Shelard Parkway, Ste. 315
Plymouth, MN 55441
Phone: 763-253-0590
Fax: 763-253-0594
Email: info@thecriterionagency.com
This web site may contain concepts that have legal, accounting and tax implications. It is not intended to provide legal, accounting or tax advice. You may wish to consult a competent attorney, tax advisor, or accountant.